World Oceans Day - How are we helping – Talking Tables UK Trade

World Oceans Day - How are we helping

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Today is World Oceans Day - an annual global event to recognise the major role oceans play in our lives and the challenges faced in preserving this precious environment.
Last year we found out about Ocean Generation whose mission is to tackle threats to our Ocean through science and storytelling. Their focus on educating future generations felt like the perfect match to our goal and we were incredibly pleased to strike up a partnership with them to help spread the message and raise funds for them.
Our senior product developer, Lauren Chatterton, explains: "We wanted to introduce a new children’s games range to our product offering and so began the development process by researching current trends in kids focused designs. I noticed that sea life themes were coming through across different areas of the market and thought this would be a great route for Talking Tables to explore. The more I delved into this idea, the more it became clear that this ‘trend’ had stemmed from the recent global focus on protecting our Ocean from human interferences such as plastic pollution and overfishing.
 "We discussed this a lot as a team and felt that we had to do more than just jump onto the design trend that the global situation had led to. We wanted our games to help educate children on the vital part our Ocean plays and what they can do to help, and also to partner with an ocean conservation focused charity to help give something back."
We worked closely with Ocean Generation to create a Fishy Fact File that includes facts on fish and the charity, along with tips on how kids can do their part to protect the Ocean, that can be found in each game. The School of Fish range began with three children’s games: Fishy Pairs, Fishy Dominoes and a Fishy Puzzle, and we are now excited to be launching two additional games: Fishy Snakes and Ladders and Go Fish!

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